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Kit Costello is an English model raised on a farm just outside of London.

Beginning their career in their late teens signing to an exclusively commercial modelling agency. 


"The beginning of my modelling career didn't really feel like mine... I wasn't present. I was doing jobs that didn't necessarily inspire me. I knew what i wanted but I didn't know how to get it."

After spending just over a year with their first modelling agency, learning their way around the industry, gaining contacts and meeting inspirational people.

Kit decided to take the leap of faith to not resign their contract and drive into freelance.

"I'm a very determined person. I know what I want. When I can tell the path I'm following isn't serving me I reroute the GPS" 

"Freelance was (and still is) the best decision I have made. I was allowed to direct and manage myself. I got the taste of what it was like to be in control of my image and to not fear my agents sending me uninspired work to cast for."

"The first shoot I had freelancing was with Peter O'Sullivan, someone who I have since collaborated with once again. Our initial shoot was, and still, is very important to me.

It was almost like the rebirth of myself. 

A reintroduction to 'Kit Costello'...


This was the first shoot that I was relying on my femininity to take the reigns... I never looked back"

Kit continues to be their unapologetic self not only during photoshoots but also on social media.

On TikTok Costello can be found inspiring a new generation of models.


Teaching not only how to model and how to navigate the industry but emphasising the importance of a model knowing their self worth and recognising that they deserve respect in an industry where those lines tend to blur. 

'Self Interrupted With Kit Costello' is Costello's globally charting podcast.

"Self interrupted is something I'm especially proud of.

It's chaotic ramblings of someone in their early twenty's tied up in a bow and served on a platter for people to listen to."

Kit continues to build their audience through striking photoshoots, social media and their podcast. 

Kit has major goals to make changes to an industry that is in dire need for a refresh.

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